Link Up for #BlockPartyHopWednesday - Facebook Follow You Back!
This is Week 3 of Block Party, a New Blog Hop from your friendly blog neighbor's Jill of Frugal Plus, Jennifer of The Blog Cafe, and Cara of Totally Temberton. Each week, the hop will have a different theme. Once we have rotated through them all, we will begin again. This is FACEBOOK week! The themes and order are as follows:
GFC (follow) - Week 1
Twitter (follow) - Week 2
Facebook (follow) - Week 3
Email (subscribe) - Week 4
Alexa (follow and/or review) - Week 5
Linked-In (connect) - Week 6
Blog It Forward (show love by linking a blog you like) - Week 7
We realize that not every blogger will have every type of account. So, we're letting you know now in case you want to make any additions before a specific hop begins. Of course, participation in any given week is optional. But, we hope you'll be able to join us in the neighborhood every week!
We all maintain family-friendly sites; therefore, we kindly request that you keep that in mind when you place a link in our hop. Please be honest with yourself - and us - in assessing whether or not your site is an overall good fit for our hop. We appreciate it!
Please join us this week for our FACEBOOK hop. Please add ONLY your Facebook link. Please follow all 3 hosts via Facebook and, as a courtesy to other participants, please follow at least 2 additional new Facebook accounts.
We’d love it if you would place the button to the Blog Hop somewhere on your page, whether it’s on your sidebar, a “Blog Hops” page, or a separate post. Please help us support this blog hop.
Family Friendly blogs/sites ONLY.
This week is for FACEBOOK; please do not link to your blog!
Follow your hosts. Do NOT link, if you are not going to follow! We *will* delete you.
To be fair to other participants, please follow at least 2 additional Facebook accounts.
Please consider helping us spread the word by posting the blog button, tweeting, etc.
Have fun this week discovering new pages!